Catalina Foothills School District

On the Issues

Delivering high-quality education to CFSD students, school safety, and transparency throughout Catalina Foothills School District.

CFSD Board Candidate

Jennifer on the Issues


Jennifer’s Vision for CFSD

Advocate for accountability measures that ensure public schools are effectively serving the needs of students and communities. Promote transparency in decision-making processes and encourage open communication between school leaders, governing bodies, and the public.


What is the Role of the CFSD School Board?

Overall, the primary role of our school’s governing board is to provide strategic direction, oversight, and leadership to ensure that the district delivers high-quality education to its students in a manner that is transparent, accountable, and responsive to the needs of the community.


Jennifer’s Top 3 Issues

School Safety – Parental Partnership – Student Achievement

    • Students need to feel safe and protected at school. Our teachers, faculty, and staff need to have the necessary support to create a safe environment.
    • Parents are a great resource, not just for volunteering, but also for insight, feedback, and improving student achievement.
    • Bring focus to our math and science educational gaps to allow our students to excel.


On The Issues


Strengthen School Safety

    • Ensuring safety in schools protects students, teachers, and staff from physical harm. This includes preventing accidents, injuries, and violence on school premises. Parents need assurance that their children are attending a school where their safety is a top priority. A safe environment reduces stress and anxiety, allowing students to thrive emotionally and academically. It is time for our district to start solving the problems with violence and bullying throughout our schools.


Welcome Parental and Community Involvement

    • Board members serve as liaisons between the school district and the community. They should engage with parents, families, and community members to ensure that their voices are heard in decision-making processes related to public education. Foster partnerships between schools and community stakeholders to support student success.  When multiple parents or community members have a concern about an issue affecting our children or schools, the item needs to be placed on the board agenda for an open discussion.


Focus on Student Achievement

    • Our schools need to continue to set high expectations for all students and provide the necessary support and resources to help them meet those expectations. This includes offering academic interventions for struggling students, enrichment opportunities for advanced learners, and access to support services such as guidance counseling and tutoring. We have educational gaps in math and science that need to be addressed. Let’s raise teacher pay to attract and retain high quality educators. When schools can hire and retain talented teachers, students benefit from consistent, high-quality instruction, which is positively correlated with academic achievement. Each of our students deserve dependable, first-rate instruction in our math and science departments.
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